Art is not only a passion, but also a way of life.

Katharina May

Katharina May was born and raised in Germany. She works as freelance artist who self-taught methods and techniques of oil and acrylic paintings. Continuously does she strengthen, consolidate and refine her artworks. She works with eco friendly bird-sand instead of chemical paste to get a specific thick texture. The mix of surrelalism, naive and contemporary art makes her paintings very absorbing. Experimenting with wood wool, wood flour and found feathers led to a variability in her former paintings. She wants to bring out a meaning and a message, not just a painting. Her paintings are telling a story for reflection where you can see the beauty of this world, but also problems we all face. Katharina May belongs to the so called group of autodidacts, who observate and learns in self-education. She feels inspired by daily life and wants to make people happy with a dose of art and arouse attention to our modern world. 

Numerous mentions and interviews in the local and national press reported on Katharina May´s art. As a lecturer at her community colleges does she pass on her knowledge and skills. You can also find her art in shows and exhibitions.

Katharina traveled through Central Africa, Europe and moved to the U.S.A. where she lived in California & Montana. As a result her artworks are influenced by these adventures and experiences. The opportunity to travel and living in different places gave her the chance to discover different cultures and develop her style.

“I got art in my blood and I love what I´m doing. It is a huge honour to be successful in this hard-fought but wonderful art world.”

Katharina May likes to sculpture, takes photos and captures daily moments on film. Currently she is living in Germany and works on different art projects. Cooperation with other artists and projects are always welcome.

Katharina May

“I teach my daughter how to treat animals and keep our nature clean. To me it´s important to give her the right sense, education and knowledge to show respect for others.”

Publication / Press

June 2024 – Voyage´s Bold Journey

January 2024 – Bould Journey Magazin

June 2022 – Shoutout Colorado
10.-12.06.2022 – NURIA art catalogue
29.04.2022 – Freies Wort “Art from Ilmenau auctioned for the good cause”
18.03.2022 – Interactive map:
18.06.2021 – Catalogue NURIA Art Exhibition
01.05.2021 – Allgemeiner Anzeiger “increase consciousness”
February 2021 – Magazine ART HOLE 9
March 2021 – Magazine ART HOLE 10
April 2021 – Magazine ART HOLE 11
12.12.2020 – Allgemeiner Anzeiger “art to think about”
08.12.2020 – Freies Wort “art behind glass”
05.12.2020 – Thüringer Allgemeine “art gives a voice”
18.02.2020 – Freies Wort “artworks in a bookstore”
05.12.2019 – CITY-ZEITUNG Ilmenau “discoveries on canvas”
03.07.2014 – Thüringer Allgemeine “25. anniversary Kindergarten”
20.06.2014 – Thüringer Allgemeine Arnstadt “flowerwall” pro bono

Bold Journey June 2024 bold journey mag         NewspaperAuction 

Planed Exhibitions

2024 – art exhibition Art-Kon-Tor Jena

2025 – art exhibition ACC Weimar

Official Exhibitions

01.07.-30.09.2023 – SOLO SHOW Kulturfabrik Ilmenau Langewiesen

09.-11.06.2023 – NURIA art exhibition

10. – 12.06.2022 – NURIA art exhibition

29.04.2022 – Art Auction painting “Natalya” Bookstore Peterknecht Erfurt

2022 – RE:BOOT – Erfurt

2021 – NURIA online art exhibition

2020 – solo show “Erlesenes”

2020 – solo show “Art to think about”

2012 – solo shows “California” and “Montana”

2016 – art exhibition “Berlin”

2014 – advent-show-window Arnstadt

1998 – art exhibition “skyscraper club”